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Deer Run Info
Deer Run cam showcases Whitetail Deer. Well, we've actually seen several Foxes, Raccoons, Turkeys, Mice, and even an old wild Mountain Rooster named Pedro (sadly, Pedro is no longer with us), but Deer are the primary animal here. You will be able to watch fawns being born and taking their first steps, bucks growing their antlers, sparring in the fall, and much more throughout the year. Deer Run is the only cam that shows wildlife in an enclosure. The deer in there are still wild in that they respond exactly like deer outside of the enclosure. These deer can not be released due to state game and fish regulations. All of the other cams are covering naturally free and wild animals. The area is not fenced but is surrounded by some very steep mountains with only one entrance in to the area.
Info on the White Deer - No, these are not Albino deer. They are considered White Deer. They are similar to albino deer, but do not have the pink eyes and nose. The white deer have regular brown eyes and noses. For more info, please check out the White Deer link under the Animals page (link at top of page).

Deer Run Info

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